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When the patient doesn’t speak English
Of course a solution to language barriers brings patients and staff closer. The nearer to natural communication the better the experience and results. Phrazer/Kitsune offers the most natural language engagements of any solution. Further, it isn’t just about language, rather Phrazer/Kitsune shares cultural information, expectations and needs for both sides of the engagement (patient and staff). It sets a foundation of familiarity, trust and openness.
When the patient needs to share socially difficult information
Our world is filled with social constructs of taboo and discomfort. Speaking of extremely personal information or weakness face-to-face, openly with an authority is nearly impossible for people. Having a natural intermediary, Phrazer/Kitsune, has proven to improve openness, honesty and depth of meaningful disclosure. A small nugget of information gained may be the hinge point of positive outcomes.
When the patient feels alone and neglected
The most common experience for patients in health facilities is isolation. Over 90% of a patient’s time is spent isolated and alone. Helping give the patient agency to convey their needs, learn best solutions, be aware of their state in process and have a conduit to staff at all times is vital to their positive experience. Phrazer/Kitsune is a journey solution that guides, supports and provides for this need and changes the dynamic from always alone to never alone.
When staff benefits from foundational information
The start of many conversations is the hardest part and if not done properly can lead to closed communication. Broaching to topics of depression, drug use, bad habits, home safety, end of life decisions and other sensitive topics well is extremely challenging and often a failure point. Phrazer/Kitsune acquires this information and effectively begins the conversation (breaks the ice). Staff enter into conversations fully informed with great foundations for stronger interactions with patients.
When staff needs to know state of mind (no surprises)
Patients can be agitated, angry, depressed, intoxicated and actually dangerous to staff. Patients in an examination room, left to their own dark thoughts, enhanced by pain and disorientation can build resentment and become highly agitated. This is dangerous to staff. Phrazer/Kitsune helps comfort patients and using the MRM warns staff of what to expect when entering a room.
When culture, faith and expectations matter
These things ALWAYS matter. When a patient or staff feels disrespect, research shows there is a higher prevalence of life threatening error, lower likelihood of the patient following the care plan and nearly always diminished outcomes. Phrazer/Kitsune identifies culture, language, literacy, expectations and shares this vital information with staff. Sometimes the information is surprising and a little deference resulting can go a long way to strengthening the staff/patient relationship.
Changing the experience dynamic for the better
A patient expects long waits, frustration, disconnected staff and repetitive interactions (asked the same thing over and over). Phrazer/Kitsune gives patients a voice and greater consideration. Millions of qualified, measured interactions have shown that patients greatly prefer this experience. Better experience, better interactions, better outcome.. proven.
We Innovate - We Lead.
As the leader in Civil Rights Solutions, GeaCom is committed to continued innovation. We know that expertise, competence, passion about the company’s mission and collaboration are vital elements to drive innovation. Looking back at 2019 we are proud of our accomplishments with the release of a the Patient Entertainment Portal and Services (PEPS), the activation of virtual engagement capabilities, a Community Althing Program with a special Gateway interface for effective engagement of all community stakeholders, the expanded access to language services and more. In partnership with healthcare and and community leaders we create a new era of engagement with full Civil Rights coverage and benefits for everyone involved. The speed and quality of GeaCom’s innovations are unmatched and we look ahead to a bright future with innovations that further reinforce the leading position of GeaCom in the context of CITE Solutions.
The CITE Solutions subscription includes all medically required and EMR matched engagements covering over 90% of the experienced language/culture needs with unmatched 99.9% accuracy. Additionally, the Phrazer/Kitsune platform offers access to machine translation features in hundreds of languages as well as access to real-time language services.
Medical CITE Journey Solutions - An ethical invention for equity, Civil Rights and innovation serving all of the health system’s language needs from one award winning platform.
A stunning, proven Civil Rights breakthrough in health care, education, and community services leveraging Communication and Information Theory Empowered (CITE) Solutions to bring unprecedented value to our communities.
The Althing Program on the Phrazer/Kitsune platform - a modern, community owned engagement solution for equity, Civil Rights coverage and interconnection between healthcare, K-12 and community resources.
The core values and benefits of the Althing:
• Novel innovation platform to address long standing challenges
• First ever community platform for all demographies (Civil Rights breakthrough)
• A conduit for significant improvement to community health
• A source of innovative classroom education that flows out to the community too
• A Shared Decision Making for personalized, realtime identification of & adaptation to needs
• Improved community resource coordination and services
• A conduit to bring more resources to the K-12 system and community
• A pathway to increasing the skill level of the area workforce
• MN invented, sourced, produced and ongoing innovation
• Development of a national blueprint for better K-12, community services and inclusion
Fore more information take a look at the Althing website
We at GeaCom are committed to Civil Rights and innovative solutions that revolutionize and empower the patient-provider relationship. We have teamed up with facilities and care teams to create the next generation of healthcare journey solutions that empower healthcare systems to meet Civil Rights requirements, optimize provider performance, improve clinical outcomes as well as patient and staff experience.
CITE Solutions enhance the human-to-human connection. We enable providers to easily connect to patient information, streamline clinical communication, and promote collaboration beyond immediate care teams to allow healthcare systems to provide the best possible care through a great experience.
There is some controversy around the idea that technology separates people by putting something in the middle, creating barriers to the truest form of communication.
Breakthrough CITE Solutions are empowering this connection. Enabling equal engagement across demographies and giving providers never before access to incredibly powerful patient information enables them to have more meaningful conversations and to facilitate better outcomes.
You would like to learn more? Get in touch with us via for more information.
Engaging patients equally, meaningfully, and effectively throughout their medical encounter is a cornerstone of modernized healthcare. As a CITE Journey Solution, Phrazer/Kitsune not only offers a way to meet Civil Rights, it also establishes a trusted connection between the patient and their care team. Furthermore, CITE Solutions empower patients to take an active role in their care and staff to perform at top of licensure. The patient-centered shared decision engine establishes a way in which care team and patients work together to balance treatment options, risks and expected outcomes with patients’ personal, cultural preferences and values. The CITE enabled shared-decision engine positively impacts patient experience and increases compliance with the care plan. CITE enabled shared decision making reduces information asymmetries and has a moral component: it is the right thing to do. For a deeper patient engagement, improved experiences, and measurably better outcomes.
The conventional consumer market wisdom has been that, whenever possible, Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products should be used because they are cheap and simple while purpose built platforms should be avoided because they are expensive and complex. However, in mission critical uses, within highly regulated markets this approach is best (and often legally required to be) inverted. Purpose built solutions are not “custom” but rather pre-designed for success in target use cases. A purpose platform costs less, has a much lower cost of ownership, is safer, more secure and readily adaptable. Conversely:
COTS integration always requires extensive visible and invisible modifications and hidden costs. Hallmarks of COTS are unanticipated incompatibilities, random but certain code deprecation, frequently required security updates, 3rd party license conflicts, fragility, downtime and a short fuse of planned obsolescence.
App market COTS solutions will have you serving many masters, inheriting deep security vulnerabilities and operating in a tangle of app dependencies. Regular privacy agreement adjustments alone bring extensive legal cost burdens are hallmarks of using the public market.
COTS system are generally not expandable in ways that best fit your requirements. They require dozens of different developers for each area of use, can not be physically modified and to event attempt to meet infectious disease standards, require expensive disposables.
Due to regulatory and security requirements COTS are legally incompatible with meaningful use cases and remain limited to trivial applications. Simple uses like displaying documents or surveys are point solutions that can’t change economics.
Conversely the purpose-built design approach allows for improved performance and when well designed, results in successful economic and equity outcomes. Purpose built systems enable IT specialists to forecast future needs and integrate specific expandability capabilities to extend timelines between expensive upgrades. Specialty mission critical architecture can attain the right combination of technology in the form factor required without compromising design, cost, schedule or feature set – and by partnering with a top quality design and purpose design service you will boost innovation and production processes for long-term success while significantly lowering costs and headaches. Rugged, industrial grade components, in hardened, antimicrobial casings, pre-configured for EMR integration and process improvement can rapidly make meaningful advancements in system performance.
GeaCom, as the only producer of purpose built medical engagement solutions, can guarantee CITE Purpose Built solutions are the most compatible, least expensive, most reliable, innovation ready and economically beneficial.
The patient-provider relationship is influenced by the phenomenon of implicit associations that may result in bias. Healthcare providers and patients may have implicit, unconscious biases that affect the dynamics of patient-provider interactions, diagnoses, treatment, outcomes and contribute to health care disparities. Implicit biases are beliefs about certain ethnic, racial and social groups that are outside of a person’s conscious awareness. Numerous studies have shown that, for example, black children and adults receive less adequate pain treatment than their white counterparts in the emergency department for the same presenting condition. Or, that patients feel that they have been treated differently because of their gender, sexual orientation, age or social status.
GeaCom’s Communication and Information Theory Empowered (CITE) Solutions offer a breakthrough engagement method that eliminates implicit bias and enables healthcare providers to deliver equitable, value based care. Based on Communication Theory, the system engages patients with a caregiver on screen that matches their demographics (age, gender, cultural background, language, etc) to ensure the highest level of comfort, trust and accuracy. The results are patient equity and Civil Rights coverage, continuity and quality of care across demographies, as well as patient empowerment to actively progress their care. While patients are offered a hyper-human interaction, the system simultaneously provides actionable, relevant information to the care team based on Information Theory. The novel CITE Solutions provides full regulatory coverage, eliminates implicit bias, supports decision making processes based on accurate information, and improve experiences and outcomes for patients and staff.
We at GeaCom stand up for the Civil Rights of the millions of people who struggle to access equal, quality health care services every day. We are committed to raise awareness and provide a solution that eliminates health disparities and outcomes dependent on race, gender, income, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, language, immigration status, and geographic location.
According to the U.S. Civil Rights and American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) equal care for all patients across demographies is required, but reality shows that health systems are unable to meet these requirements. CITE Journey Solutions fully meet the following specific federal legal requirements in healthcare for the first time:
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 USC §200d) & (45 CFR 80)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC §794)
- Programs and activities receiving federal assistance from HHS (45 CFR 84)
- Programs or activities conducted by HHS (45 CFR 85)
- Titles VI and XVI of the Public Health Service Act (45 USC §§291 & 300) & (42 CFR 124, Sub G)
- ADA Title III section 504
GeaCom’s Solution changes the status of Undue Burden Civil Rights and ADA claims in healthcare by offering a way to establish patient equity, quality and continuity of care in concert with novel revenue pathways.
For patients, medical care is a roll of the dice and in the Information Age they are becoming aware. Disturbing factors such as the time of day when the visit takes place, patient load, prejudice, patient inability to communicate in the matching language, social constructs and many other factors determine outcomes far more than any patient will readily accept when they become educated to these facts. Patients are becoming educated on the topic and the time when tolerance ends is near.
Staff makes more errors at the end of their shifts
Prejudice effects patient outcomes
Overly busy staff limits patient engagement
Pattern seeking behavior by staff has a negative outcome
Unequal application of medical error: 30% rate or higher
Fortunately new method breakthrough solutions have come to the fore to address the complex challenge in the form of a Medical Journey Solution. A Journey solution is not just great for patients but it benefits staff and economy as well.
A Journey Solution is a patient personalized engagement companion that connects, guides, advises, educates and supports throughout a medical experience. The Journey Solution ensures continuity and quality of care across all demographies. A journey eliminates delays, eliminates point solutions and eliminates barriers to equitable care. Journey Solution patient are assured of personalized engagements, devoid of prejudice, without delay, with best bedside manner that has them constantly connected to staff and the record.