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The CITE Journey

Phrazer/Kitsune meets the patient at the point of entry. The patient self registers, co-pays and begins self charting. Staff is made aware of inbound patients, can perform quick 'video check-ins' and guides the patients progress. Vital information for health, coding and decisions are provided automatically as the patient navigates their visit. Upon automatic discharge the Phrazer/Kitsune rotates back to admissions to guide the next patient's journey; or goes home with the patient supporting the continuum of care.

Examples in Video

By modernizing to Phrazer/Kitsune you have new tools to normalize the patient population, optimize flow, utilize offsite staff and engage your entire operation with finite control. Lower costs, augment onsite staff with remote resources, reduce coding activities and ease staffing pressures.

Harmonizing Patient, Staff and System Performance

Patient Flow

Patients are never alone, always progressing and engaged in any language and literacy.

Staff Engagement

Staff is always apprised, guided on policy, has more time with their patients and operates at top of licensure.

System Performance

Improved facility utilization, reduced point solutions augmented services.

Meaningful Differentiation

For over 15 years GeaCom has been leading innovative collaborations with market leaders, developing its unique and proven solutions.

Starting with the hallmark Civil Rights coverage and diversity integration, this is a breakthrough that features Communication & Information Theory Empowered (CITE) technology that has been setting new standards in efficacy, efficiency and health equity.

Purpose Built Solution

Phrazer/Kitsune is the only purpose built, qualified, U.S. manufactured medical engagement solution. This technology exceeds standards of infectious disease control, safety, security and interoperability. Patented technologies and unique hardware enable special process and communication methods that empower high value benefits.

Quick Reference Documents

Cost Benefit

Lower Cost Efficacy


Patients + Staff

Info Magazine

A Deeper Look