True Civil Rights Today
affordable, effective, proven
Standard focus has been on dominant culture, language, socio-economic class and gender. Each deviation of standard experiences diminished service. According to the HHS statistics:
• 25% of our population is functionally illiterate
• 14% are unable to speak English effectively
• 15% are geriatric and require focused engagement
• 25% are pediatric ad require focused engagement
• about 20% are the benefactors of standard method
With Phrazer/Kitsune and CITE engagements, each patient is provided equal and personalized care. Always best practices, best bedside manner and total integration with staff and system. This includes English speaking patients as well. The experience includes:
• Personalized language and culture engagement
• Matching race and gender as culturally appropriate
• Age and literacy focused interactions
• Constant and realtime staff & system engagement
• The easy ability to include family and other stakeholders
This Matters, Is Essential and Vital
If a medical system could provide personalized CITE engagements for equal care to all patients at a lower cost, higher quality, with total continuity and greater efficiency without special infrastructure adjustments, why wouldn't they? Without CITE engagements over 750 patients a day die from civil rights violations related to language and countless more due to inability to address demography. This is a serious problem and Phrazer/Kitsune is a serious, fully vetted and effective solution. GeaCom, its partners and customers are proud to be sanctuaries of equitable care. The US Office of Civil Rights confirms that the Phrazer/Kitsune solution provides for:
• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 USC §200d) & (45 CFR 80)
• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC §794)
• Programs and activities receiving federal assistance from HHS (45 CFR 84)
• Programs or activities conducted by HHS (45 CFR 85)
• Titles VI and XVI of the Public Health Service Act (45 USC §§291 & 300) & (42 CFR 124, Sub G)
• ADA Title III section 504
Phrazer/Kitsune provides CITE Engagements in ALL languages. Of course this means 1000s of languages including sign language, indiginous peoples languages, slang and hybrid languages. Further proper cultural, age, gender and authority associations are part of the beauty of CITE.
Easy Integration Phrazer is built to fit easily into your workflow. Its ingenious and intuitive design means no patient training is required. Simply hand Phrazer to your patient and they will be immediately engaged while Phrazer keeps your staff and EMR informed in real-time.
Communication and Information Theory Empowered (CITE) protocols ensure patient trust by using visual, auditory, tactile, and emotional techniques. With an engaging and culturally relevant caregiver speaking the patient’s native language on the device, Phrazer creates a new patient experience.
Phrazer is outfitted with CITE enhanced protocols that address the most common walk-in visit complaints, as well as educational protocols and screening protocols. If you desire additional protocols, Phrazer’s dynamic content engine provides these quickly, automatically updating your devices without need of IT assistance. Our creation process is so streamlined that we can easily customize protocols for you to stay current with your departmental needs. When we say customization, we mean it.