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PKS Blog


The Phrazer/Kitsune team, customers, partners and users are pleased to provide you with relevant and informative blog posts. Some posts are simple short text updates while others incorporate images, videos and files. Please be respectful of the bloggers, materials and goals of this offering. If you have comments and the link is disabled, please check back later.

    GeaCom Unveils - The New Era Of Health Equity, Efficiency And Innovation

    The world still carries the burden and shame of inequity and 2020 highlighted that pain more than ever. GeaCom, from inception, has set out to resolve this long standing challenge in healthcare without compromise. Not with cheap repurposed consumer products, not staged in and favoring certain demographies and not without safety and security at the forefront. GeaCom’s evolution has hit its stride in 2020 and now enters 2021 with full interoperability, efficiency models and, of course, world leading equity. In this video GeaCom's founder shares the journey and our pride in accomplishments and hopes of having more like minded technology innovators, healthcare innovators and Civil Rights Champions join us in changing the world.
