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PKS Blog


The Phrazer/Kitsune team, customers, partners and users are pleased to provide you with relevant and informative blog posts. Some posts are simple short text updates while others incorporate images, videos and files. Please be respectful of the bloggers, materials and goals of this offering. If you have comments and the link is disabled, please check back later.

    Phrazer's Patient Entertainment Portal & Services (PEPS)


    Phrazer modernizes entertainment services by offering a Patient Entertainment Portal and Services (PEPS) with extensive a la carte access to high speed internet and demographically matched entertainment options including local TV, movies, games, podcasts/vodcasts, audiobooks and much more. Calming sounds and images as well relaxation engagements support patients to alleviate discomforts, reduce level of pain and anxiety, and enjoy a better experience while in your care.

    Watch the video for a brief introduction to PEPS!
