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Phrazer/Kitsune Secure Payment Gateway and Potential Uses

Phrazer/Kitsune is available to engage all patients equally.  Included on the platform is a secure JP Morgan payment gateway that accepts all major credit cards with ease.   This gateway opens a variety of opportunities for expanded patient entertainment services and revenue generating activities.  The obvious low hanging fruit is the ability for patients to make co-pays or access additional services on a pre-pay basis.  Additional options include access to: 

- additional food services

- entertainment

- access to the gift store

- pathways for donations

- giving financial “tips”

and much more.

As medical systems look to find budget for activities the payment gateway, available at the time of service, is a potential conduit for funding these initiatives.   For more information and detailed insights, contact your GeaCom representative.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month - How CITE Solutions solve long-standing challenges


Mental illness touches us all. If you are not one in 5 US adults who is personally affected in any given year, you most likely know someone who is. Worst of all, the existing stigma and discrimination prevents people from seeking the help they need. Health Systems are tasked and committed to change, but with the utilization of conventional methods the engagement will remain inequitable, the available workforce will still be insufficient, and the challenges around operationalization and efficiencies will continue to grow. 

We at GeaCom are committed to patient equity, quality of care and solving longstanding challenges though innovation. We are proud that CITE solutions make a difference for patients and staff in all care settings, specifically in mental health. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s take a look how CITE solutions solve longstanding challenges in mental health.

1 in 5 Adults in America experience mental illness 

GeaCom’s solution empowers medical practices across the country to operationalize systematic mental health screenings, brief interventions and referral to treatment (SBIRT). Phrazer/Kitsune engages all patients equally, regardless of language, cultural background, level of literacy and provides relevant, personalized mental health engagements throughout their journey. Utilize CITE solutions to make mental health a priority for your community. From mental health inpatient units to outpatient programs, CITE solutions have been proven effective to benefit patients, staff and enterprise efforts around mental health.

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

As a platform for innovation, Phrazer/Kitsune is fully adaptable to your practice and offers illness-specific engagement modules, such as Depression, Bipolar disorder, or Anxiety for your entire patient population. Empower your patients to author their own chart and experience value-based care without stigma or human bias. Involve family members more deeply in the care process by utilizing specific engagements for family and loved ones. Additionally, the Patient Entertainment Portal & Services on Phrazer offers a sensory integration module that patients and family can access anytime for calming sounds and images, general mental health topics and guided exercises, such as breathing techniques, meditation or brain gym. For staff, the CITE system offers competency development modules around mental health, process adherence support and real-time, actionable information for a meaningful interaction.

Nearly 60% of adults with a mental illness didn’t receive mental health services in the previous year.

CITE solutions support your efforts to screen early, provide personalized mental health engagements and guidance on where to find mental health services within the community. Increase awareness and access to mental health resources and utilize Phrazer’s virtual health capabilities to bring in mental health specialists at the time of need - easy and effectively. 

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PEPS for Medical Foundations at Time of Service

Most hospitals have a foundation, funded by individual donors who hope to provide better health service while experiencing a 501C tax credit.  The bulk of these donors are wealth individuals who both have experienced a positive result from care and desire the tax benefit.  GeaCom believes that there is a larger population ready and willing to donate to the medical cause, especially when it is front of mind and easy.  Crowd source funding from your own user population is effective and through the use of Phrazer/Kitsune the donor can made a quick infusion of any denomination while the system provides them with instant record for use in tax purposes.  This can become a new era for medical foundations which easily produces more than a doubling of funding for the vital services they provide.

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Ethics of PEPS Sponsorships

Phrazer/Kitsune not only provides patients of all backgrounds an empowered care journey solution but it also provides patient driven education, therapy and entertainment via the Patient Entertainment Portal and Services (PEPS).  To help incentivize and fund the introduction of this breakthrough solution, GeaCom is enabling sponsorships.  A sponsorship is a small introductory advertisement for each use.  This model seeks to employ non-disruptive, simple/single sponsorship much like Public Radio does.  In return for this sponsorship the patient gets free services and entertainment.  Should the patient not desire the sponsorship in return for free access, they may choose to make a small payment for premium services.


The types of sponsors sought include health authorities, cancer associations, healthy food producers, exercise entities, charities, hospital donations, foundations and more of that ilk.  The experience of the sponsorship is a logo, audio and a link for more information offer.  The resulting revenue pays for the maintenance and growth of the offering while providing an additional financial resource to the medical system to improve its services.  The result is a healthier, happier patient, a more robust PEPS experience and a more supported medical facility.

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Why Innovation is Hard and Special

When was the last time you recall a major change in the healthcare process?  Is it possible that the right way to process and serve patients was figured out over 100 years ago?  Arrive, wait in line to register.  Register slowly 1:1.  Sit down with paper (real or digital) and fill out a form, in English only, unassisted then wait alone.  Have a brief triage and wait about an hour.  Get roomed and sit alone and wait.  You get the point.  GeaCom knows this is way past due for modernization.  Patients know it’s time to modernize.  Staff understand and demands a better way with modernization.  So why no modernization? 

Current entrenched suppliers such as the Electronic Medical System, survey solutions, computers on wheels, etc are huge companies that don’t benefit from change.  In actuality they benefit from status quo and fight any innovation through nefarious methods such as:

- consuming budget purposely

- claiming to be adding matching solutions in the future

- offering discounts to keep competition at bay

- using relationships (at all levels) to keep outmoded solutions in play

- claim the innovation is risky or complex

The greater the innovation, the greater the resistance. 

Nicolo Machiavelli 1469~1527:

It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things; for the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order; this lukewarmness arising partly from the incredulity of mankind who does not truly believe in anything new until they actually have experience of it.

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Sloppy Innovators & Poor Execution Slowing Market Innovation

GeaCom has meticulously designed, tested and developed over a decade to provide the world’s best FDA quality, mission critical solutions.  Excellence in mission critical takes time.  Aside from development GeaCom had to take pace with the market space and learn their current and future needs. Time, care and quality are necessary to doing healthcare right.

Some quick schemes or not well thought out solutions try to short cut the process by using unsafe and unqualified consumer devices in their programs.  These approaches create unsafe infectious disease vectors and exposed private health information as proven by 100s of inappropriate attempts.  Some entities believe that Software-as-a-Service is the only model that makes money but solving long standing global problems doesn’t lend to money making schemes on unsophisticated platforms.

People are suspicious of trying innovation because they have experienced half-baked attempts.   ‘Flash in the pan’ ideas fail, cost money and typically don’t achieve claims.  People think about the “dot-com” era, silicone valley style, arrogant innovators who waste money and don’t do the hard work.  So how do you differentiate?

GeaCom is a midwestern entity that has taken the full, vetted path to quality and success via innovation.  GeaCom has worked extensively with global technology leaders like Micron, QualComm, Texas Instruments and others.  GeaCom has been mentored by medical leaders at Mayo Clinic, HealthPartners, North Memorial, BC Health Authorities and others.  GeaCom has performed medical trials on 5 continents with 10s of thousands of patients and has now successfully performed over 10 million patient/staff engagements.  All of this and we’re still the new underdog in the market but to be sure, GeaCom is not a startup, it is the world’s best staff, patient, system engagement solution and a pioneer in defining the future of healthcare.

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Legacy Suppliers Slowing Innovation

GeaCom has always asserted that Civil Rights coverage with total continuity and quality of care across demographies is a breakthrough that the market and world must have.  This seems self evident, however, change is a serious process and in that process incumbent solutions (no matter how inadequate), outmoded methods and legacy thinking are difficult habits to overcome.  Here is how GeaCom has approached this challenge:

Better population coverage and regulatory compliance:  we rely on people’s understanding and need for fairness.  It isn’t fair that a vital community service is unequally available and applied.  Civil Rights matter because our society values and relies on equality.  GeaCom is the ONLY medical supplier able to provide a solution that meets ethical demands.

Better quality and ease of use:  Producing the only FDA quality solution that meets the stringent infectious disease, safety and security requirements for patient/staff engagement is a massive challenge.  No other Company has even tried, much less succeeded.  Having end-to-end oversight, quality control and purpose built use is only available via GeaCom.

Better economics and efficiency:  The CITE Methods are fully modernized and significantly more efficient and have opened new, novel revenue opportunities in the form of win/win for patients and staff.  No other approach to patient/staff engagement has provided such a powerful ROI (over 1000%) and revenue enhancement.

Adaptive innovation:  The CITE creation model includes new methods, new technologies and innovative delivery methods and this means that customers/users can bring their ideas for incorporation without cost or delay.  GeaCom empowers the enterprise, staff and patients to bring and realize their own innovation quickly and easily.

A better company to work with:  We are a passionate company, motivated, mission driven and totally committed to every program.  GeaCom is a world leading innovator, North American manufacturer, ethical entity committed to a mission of better healthcare journeys for patients, staff and system performance.

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No budget, No resources, No innovation - How to break the cycle!

While healthcare executives endorse the importance of innovation, patient equity, and efficiency they struggle to employ innovative solutions to reach longstanding goals. IT departments already have their hands full installing, maintaining, and upgrading electronic health record systems, the traditional budget structure does not allow flexibility and management can’t add “another” project to the list. 

How is the implementation of CITE solutions different?

CITE solutions are easy to employ, don’t require any patient and minimal staff training and provide immediate benefits to your organization. Patients are engaged equally across demographies, Civil Rights and Patient Bill of Rights are accounted for, quality and continuity of care is established while new efficiencies and revenue pathways offer immediate financial benefits. Boost current initiatives with Phrazer/Kitsune and start your transition to CITE via GeaCom’s proven Transition - Refine Expand (TRE) approach.

What about required IT resources?

As the only medical grade engagement system, CITE solutions are safe, secure and fully adaptable to existing infrastructure. Use a direct print functionality or fully integrate the solution with any EHR. And here is the good news: a connection to any EHR is lightweight with less than 10 h of your IT time. 

What if there is no budget?

Break the cycle and support innovation with true results by transitioning to CITE solutions. CITE is a new method for patient equity, that empowers staff to perform at top of licensure, allows you to consolidate point solutions, provides process efficiencies, and offers immediate revenue pathways via reimbursements, sponsorships and PPV. Offset your cost for Phrazer/Kitsune and experience novel revenue pathways right away.

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Happy Staff makes Healthy Patients!

You are wondering what CITE Systems do for staff? Here you go:

1. From Data Entry back to Patient Care: CITE Systems empower the patient to actively progress their care and author their own chart meaning less data entry for staff. Get back to the bedside and perform at top of licensure. 

2.  Staff CITE Messaging: CITE technology has a patented Multipath Realtime Messaging (MRM) feature to share actionable information and cultural considerations with the care team in real time. Nursing staff and provider receive specific CITE messages relevant to the patients' status, progress and needs. Be connected to your patient throughout their journey empowers you to engage in a meaningful way. For stronger human bonds.

3. Process Adherence: The CITE System offers process adherence support for staff in the time of need. Reduce constant reinforcement meetings and achieve full compliance. Fully configurable to your needs. 

4. Staff Engagements: The CITE System offers the capabilities to engage staff on any topic. From competency development to introduction of new utilities over updates on new and ongoing care initiatives. For continuity and quality across your system. 

5. Ideas become Reality: Staff is encouraged to bring in ideas and innovate. Thaw frozen opportunities and use CITE Systems as your platform for innovation. No additional cost, easy and quickly.

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How Phrazer/Kitsune EMR Interchange Works


Phrazer/Kitsune EMR Interchange 

Phrazer/Kitsune facilitates easy, fast, and secure exchange of patient health data that powers CITE use cases, improving healthcare. A single connection to the secure exchange engine enables interoperation with EHRs and Phrazer/Kitsune. Data flow is managed across Phrazer/Kitsune, the exchange engine, and a health system. Those are the three places data is processed and stored within our programs.


Phrazer/Kitsune to the Exchange Engine

Phrazer/Kitsune code for all EMR exchange use cases is pre-connect to the Exchange Engine via an HTTPS webhook. The Exchange Engine sends messages to Phrazer/Kitsune’s callback URL and receive messages and queries. Phrazer/Kitsune and the Exchange Engine use standard JSON data models that represent a wide variety of patient-centric data. When data exchanges send to an endpoint, it includes a Phrazer/Kitsune encryption token in the message headers. In the event of a transmission error, the Exchange Engine automatically retries a number of times before throwing an error alert notifying Phrazer/Kitsune for escalation path and an on-call engineer to investigate further.


The Exchange Engine

Messages go through three stages of transformation to standardize into JSON specifications. First, messages are parsed according to type (HL7 v2, CCD, Custom API, etc.). Secondly, they are configured for Phrazer/Kitsune specific specifications. Finally, they are configured for the health-system-level workflow customizations that can affect these messages. At this stage, field-level filters can be applied before messages are routed to their proper destination and transmitted in the specified format.


Health System to the Exchange Engine 

Integration with health systems start by identifying the most efficient integration strategy for their unique EHR implementation. For HL7 integrations, we most commonly maintain a secure VPN tunnel for MLLP traffic. HL7 messages originating in the EHR are normally routed through an on-premise interface engine already in use in the health system before being pushed to the VPN. Conversely, the Exchange Engine pushes HL7 messages back to the EHR through this infrastructure as well. When HL7 isn’t used we work with health systems to connect to EHR-vendor-custom APIs as well as supporting DIRECT protocol.

The bottom line here is that the Exchange Engine handles the mapping and configuration of messages, making it easy and lightweight for IT teams to work with it.


Data Translation

Data consumed from an external source is transformed into our normalized data models. Although our standard system uses an HL7v2 message which is transformed into JSON, please note that a variety of other standards such as CDA, FHIR, X12, and Web Services can be both consumed and produced.  Data is safely, efficiently, accurately and seamlessly entered by patients.

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