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The Moral Imperative Of CITE Solutions

The need to revolutionize and transform healthcare services is undeniable as the following statistics reinforce:

Fact 1 - Patients suffer: Across Canada, the median wait time for medically necessary treatment is 20.9 weeks. Emergency Departments and hallways are overflowing . For example, in Ontario patients spent an average of 16.3 hours waiting in emergency rooms, according to a study from June 2019. During their stay, patients spend 85% of their time isolated, waiting, and disconnected. Furthermore, patient diversity increases the challenges. For example, along with an aging population, the province of British Columbia is becoming more ethnically and culturally diverse, as almost half of the Metro Vancouver population was born outside Canada. The urgent need for equitable and culturally appropriate engagements is unmet.

Fact 2 - Staff suffers: 1 in 3 Canadian physicians screen positive for depression and nearly 40% of nurses say they feel a high degree of burnout, affecting patient care. According to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute medical errors are said to be the third leading cause of death in Canada after cancer and heart disease, and every 78 seconds someone is injured from unintended harm.

Fact 3 - The Health System is broken: The current Canadian health system has an economics problem with rising costs, inefficiencies and conventional methods that can’t solve long-standing challenges. 


 The lives entrusted to our vital health services, suffering in the old method and status quo are due the respect and moral imperative of the fullest consideration possible. CITE Solutions are the novel, proven answer. Inaction to this call to duty is a regret we’ll never forget; let’s work together to innovate for a brighter health service future now.

As the only medical Journey Solution, Phrazer/Kitsune ensures patient rights and equity across demographies, novel care efficiencies, operational excellence, top of licensure staff performance, new revenue pathways, safety and ultimately better community health. CITE Solutions are affordable and have been proven effective across all areas of care in over 20 million successful patient engagements. 

Let’s work together to innovate for a brighter health service future for the entire population, immediately! Join us today as we lead the way into a new era of healthcare.  
