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Why Innovation is Hard and Special
When was the last time you recall a major change in the healthcare process? Is it possible that the right way to process and serve patients was figured out over 100 years ago? Arrive, wait in line to register. Register slowly 1:1. Sit down with paper (real or digital) and fill out a form, in English only, unassisted then wait alone. Have a brief triage and wait about an hour. Get roomed and sit alone and wait. You get the point. GeaCom knows this is way past due for modernization. Patients know it’s time to modernize. Staff understand and demands a better way with modernization. So why no modernization?
Current entrenched suppliers such as the Electronic Medical System, survey solutions, computers on wheels, etc are huge companies that don’t benefit from change. In actuality they benefit from status quo and fight any innovation through nefarious methods such as:
- consuming budget purposely
- claiming to be adding matching solutions in the future
- offering discounts to keep competition at bay
- using relationships (at all levels) to keep outmoded solutions in play
- claim the innovation is risky or complex
The greater the innovation, the greater the resistance.
Nicolo Machiavelli 1469~1527:
It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things; for the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order; this lukewarmness arising partly from the incredulity of mankind who does not truly believe in anything new until they actually have experience of it.