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No budget, No resources, No innovation - How to break the cycle!
While healthcare executives endorse the importance of innovation, patient equity, and efficiency they struggle to employ innovative solutions to reach longstanding goals. IT departments already have their hands full installing, maintaining, and upgrading electronic health record systems, the traditional budget structure does not allow flexibility and management can’t add “another” project to the list.
How is the implementation of CITE solutions different?
CITE solutions are easy to employ, don’t require any patient and minimal staff training and provide immediate benefits to your organization. Patients are engaged equally across demographies, Civil Rights and Patient Bill of Rights are accounted for, quality and continuity of care is established while new efficiencies and revenue pathways offer immediate financial benefits. Boost current initiatives with Phrazer/Kitsune and start your transition to CITE via GeaCom’s proven Transition - Refine Expand (TRE) approach.
What about required IT resources?
As the only medical grade engagement system, CITE solutions are safe, secure and fully adaptable to existing infrastructure. Use a direct print functionality or fully integrate the solution with any EHR. And here is the good news: a connection to any EHR is lightweight with less than 10 h of your IT time.
What if there is no budget?
Break the cycle and support innovation with true results by transitioning to CITE solutions. CITE is a new method for patient equity, that empowers staff to perform at top of licensure, allows you to consolidate point solutions, provides process efficiencies, and offers immediate revenue pathways via reimbursements, sponsorships and PPV. Offset your cost for Phrazer/Kitsune and experience novel revenue pathways right away.