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"My Experience with Phrazer" in Mental Health
Please introduce yourself with name, title, organization, your role within the Phrazer program and tell me what you are passionate about.
Nancy Miller, Senior Performance Improvement Project Manager, Regions Hospital/HealthPartners. I am the project manager for the Phrazer program here at Regions Hospital. I am passionate about supporting care givers to provide exceptional care for all patients regardless of diagnosis, ethnicity or language. In particular, I am passionate about Mental Health care.
How does Phrazer support your passion?
Phrazer is a remarkable system for providing attention arresting engagements. Not only are our patients culturally diverse, they also are at varying levels of literacy and ability to understand or process information. Phrazer allows a patient to receive and share relevant information in a culturally sensitive manner suited to their individual needs and capabilities. Care givers are empowered to provide exceptional care by working in concert with Phrazer.
How is Phrazer currently used and how does is help your patients, staff and system?
We are proud to have Phrazer on our mental health inpatient floors, the partial hospitalization and outpatient programs, and the mental health area in the Emergency Department. From readmission interviews over discharge instructions to a depression suite and procedure specific education (ECT), Phrazer helps us to achieve continuity and quality across our patients. Staff is motivated to share ideas that become a reality on Phrazer to further strengthen the bond between patients and the care team.
If you think about Phrazer’s capabilities and the future within your system - what are you most excited about?
I am excited continuing to innovate on Phrazer and create engagements that benefit our patients and staff. Phrazer’s capabilities to interface with our EHR and alert staff in real-time will help us to become more efficient by guiding care to the point of need. We are excited to be the first system in the nation to partner with GeaCom on exploring Phrazer’s benefits within our OT/sensory programs.
If you would describe your experience working GeaCom in three words - which ones would that be? Outstanding, Unique & Dedicated. Both their product and customer service/support are outstanding. Their ability to provide any language, content and on-screen caregiver opens endless possibilities for patients and staff. GeaCom is dedicated to providing excellent, patient focused interventions.